
Doppelgänger: Poems & Prose

by K M Littleworth 

Doppelgänger: Poems & ProseK.M. Littleworth

Observations, oddities, tattle, tales and tawdry; told with gusto through punky poetry and prickly prose.

A razor sharp debut collection from Isle of Man based writer K.M. Littleworth. A rollercoaster of a read!

From the snappy charm of Spatula Bachelor, the insomniac Clock Watcher, the government-nudging Shrapnel via the swaggering Hokey Dina! to the defibrillating Cardiac College and the jaunty Higgledy-Piggledy.

The ride then takes the inevitable dip to navigate more serious track- addressing loneliness in The 4:15 kick, anguish in Bones and Tar, desperation in Kensington Avenue and the stalker fears of X.

The positivity of the final ascent; whooshes through tales of devilishly splendid desserts in Lemon Drizzle Cake, retired B-list horror movie stars in Mr Preegles, the plight of the milk tray man in Intruder, cashmere and crepes in the gooey Loungeroom Love and attend a Guzzolene matrimony of wasteland warriors in Witness Me!

Punky, porcupiney, brash and at times darkly current, yet laced with humour and empathy. Best quaffed and enjoyed with a safety pin heart.

Available on Amazon and Barnes and Noble

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