
Self Studies: The Thorns of Charbon Institute Book 1

I received a review copy of Self Studies and I can’t wait to tell you all about it!

by Kate Messick

Title: Self Studies: The Thorns of Charbon Institute
Author: Kate Messick
Series: Book 1 of 3 in The Thorns of Charbon Institute Trilogy
Genre: Dark Bully Romance, Reverse Harem, Magic Academy
Rating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

A Steamy Dark Romance Full of Magic and Self-Discovery

Self Studies: The Thorns of Charbon Institute by Kate Messick is an engrossing voyage into a realm where desire, mystery, and magic converge. If you love reverse harem, dark romance, and unique magic academy stories, you’re going to love this one! The opening chapter of The Thorns of Charbon Institute trilogy sets the setting for a suspenseful and darkly captivating tale that will have readers gripped from beginning to end.


Aphrodite, the main character, is left on her own after her master is killed by the Magical Authorities, putting her in a dangerous situation. She is thrown into the harsh world of the Charbon Institute and has to find her way through the perilous paths of magical learning and interpersonal relationships. The institute challenges students to go beyond their comfort zones, and for Aphrodite, who is unable to use her magic, the stakes are even higher.

Aphrodite struggles with her newfound freedom and the responsibility of making her own judgments while surrounded by magicians who have their own plans. She must face her troubled history and muster the courage to choose her own path on this voyage of self-discovery.

Self Studies Review

Self Studies is a brilliantly written story that explores resilience, identity, and power. Readers are drawn into the intricately detailed world of the Charbon Institute by Messick’s lyrical language. There are too many twists and turns in this fast-paced plot to put the book down.

Aphrodite is a riveting lead character whose development is simultaneously heartbreaking and motivational. The portrayal of her battle to recover her identity and authority following a lifetime of manipulation and control is nuanced and sensitive. As she struggles with both internal and external issues, readers will find themselves pulling for her.

The novel’s dark, reverse harem element gives the narrative a fascinating depth. Aphrodite’s interactions with the many magicians are intricate and multifaceted, with each one contributing something unique to the table. The sensual moments are done tastefully, and the intense love tension adds to the book’s overall appeal.

The examination of morality and individual agency in Self Studies is one of its most notable features. Aphrodite’s journey is about more than just surviving; it’s about realizing her own morals and defending them no matter the cost. The exterior problems she encounters at the academy are a lovely reflection of this internal battle.

It’s also super HOT. Did I mention it’s spicy?


  • Intriguing Plot: The storyline is filled with unexpected twists, keeping readers engaged and eager for more.
  • Complex Characters: Each character is well-developed, with their own motivations and secrets that add depth to the narrative.
  • Emotional Depth: Aphrodite’s journey is deeply emotional, dealing with themes of trauma, recovery, and self-discovery.
  • Magical Setting: The Charbon Institute is vividly described, making the world feel immersive and real.
  • Romantic Tension: The reverse harem dynamics are handled expertly, creating a captivating romantic subplot that enhances the main story.

Final Thoughts on Self Studies

Self Studies: The Thorns of Charbon Institute sets the stage for an incredible trilogy that is off to a great start. Magic and passion collide in the darkly enchanted world that Kate Messick has created. From the opening page, readers who enjoy mystical academies and dark romance will get engrossed. In the face of a world that attempts to define oneself, the story of Aphrodite is one of fortitude, persistence, and the quest for one’s individuality. Anyone searching for an exciting, emotionally filled adventure should read this book.

This is not a novel for the weak of heart, so be ready for a wild trip. Self Studies combines magic, romance, and intrigue in a captivating way that will have you eagerly awaiting the next chapter. I can’t wait to read the next book!

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