Teleios: Flaw, is Perfect! – Book Review

by Asvoria K.
“You will get those ancient Greco-Roman shits but nothing is historically accurate!”
~ Anonymous Reader
I love historical fiction, alternate history, and fantasy, so I was very excited to receive a review copy of this book. I’ve always had a fascination with ancient Greek and Roman history and myths, as well, so I had a good feeling about this one going in. “Teleios: Flaw, is Perfect!” blends historical fiction with myth, fantasy, and a hint of LGBTQ+ representation to take readers to the heart of ancient Greece and Rome.
From the very first page, it draws us in with a dedication that this book is “For everyone who has the ability to read…”
The disclaimer explains this is a work of alternate historical fiction. Again, one of my favorite genres. I love asking the question, “But what if ___ had happened?” or exploring how fictional characters may have lived and interacted in a historical time and place.
Please note some content and trigger warnings before going in: violence, gore, torture, body horror, sexual assault, slavery, suicide, and PTSD. There will be some difficult topics covered in this book.
This book draws readers into a colorful world full of adventure, friendship, and a strong feeling of purpose from the very first page. The narrative centers on Arete of Syracuse, a warrior who sets out on a mission to thwart the evil forces controlling the notorious Roman Emperor Nero. This isn’t just another epic about history; it’s a story of bravery, devotion, and the pursuit of truth in a setting where myth and reality converge. The author doesn’t shy away from the tough subjects and that makes it all the more real and relatable.
Arete makes a strong lead character. The story is propelled forward by her strength – both physical and emotional – and her quest is as much about coming to terms with who she is as it is about vanquishing evil. Readers will be captivated by her every move as she attempts to solve the riddle of the Teleios, the ideal lady who might hold the secret to everything, following the fall of her beloved city. Her grief sets the tone for a story of resilience. As a main character, I found her relatable yet also someone I could admire and wanted to root for. I wanted to see her succeed.
Asvoria K. expertly combines historical and mythological details to create an engaging and surprising narrative. Even though the author notes that “nothing is historically accurate,” the world-building is vivid and rich, with scenes brought to life by Greco-Roman mythology. Arete’s travels across numerous towns and cities have a big, cinematic air to them, with intriguing new personalities and obstacles in every new setting. You will definitely get the right vibes, even if it’s not all perfectly accurate historically.
The group of friends Arete makes along the journey gives the story dimension. Each character feels unique and like they are their own person, outside of who they are to the main character. Because of the deep links each of them has with Arete and the weight each bears individually, their common struggles are made to feel genuine and intimate. Readers will enjoy how each character adds layers of complexity to the story, and the themes of sacrifice, loyalty, and friendship are prevalent.
The fight scenes with fierce animals are exciting, as befits an epic tale, but the real strength of this work lies in its examination of identity, power, and the concept of perfection. The supposed living Aphrodite, Teleios, represents much more than just physical attractiveness. She stands for a more profound ideal that Arete and the others have to face. This part of the book had me thinking about it even after I put it down.
The LGBTQ+ components are handled delicately, offering representation without taking center stage in the larger story. This feature simply serves to highlight Arete’s complex personality and her interactions with others. It offers inclusivity as well as depth, making it a welcome addition to the genre. I’ve been reading a lot of historical fiction lately and this one climbs to the top as one of my faves.
The book “Teleios: Flaw, is Perfect!” is highly recommended for readers who enjoy mythology and historical fantasy. You will find a lot to enjoy in this journey, regardless of whether the mythological elements or the prospect of exciting combat pique your interest. This novel is a genuinely memorable read because of its inventiveness, strong female lead, and willingness to delve into more complex philosophical issues. All in all, it’s five stars from me.
“Teleios: Flaw, is Perfect!” is a must-read if you’re in the mood for a book where myth and imagination coexist together in a tale of destiny and discovery!
Also available on Kobo and Barnes to Noble.