Habits of Love by Anh Sphabmixay

Habits of Love is a thought-provoking book that explores the complex nature of love and relationships. The book delves into the different kinds of love that exist, including spiritual, intimate, and domestic, and how they can be experienced in different ways.
The author highlights the importance of recognizing the warning signs of an unhealthy relationship and offers guidance on how to cultivate a healthy and positive relationship. Through personal stories, practical advice, and expert insights, readers will gain a deeper understanding of the traits and habits that define a healthy relationship.
The book also challenges readers to examine their own beliefs and assumptions about love and relationships, and offers tools to help them navigate the complexities of these important aspects of life.
Overall, Habits of Love is a valuable resource for anyone looking to improve their relationships and cultivate a deeper understanding of love and its many facets. Whether you are in a committed relationship, single and looking for love, or simply seeking to deepen your understanding of this powerful emotion, this book is sure to inspire and enlighten.
About the Author:
Anh Sphabmixay lives with her family and a Yorkie named Abbie in Colorado. She is a wife and a devoted mother to a lively child who gives her all the motivation she needs. The love of her daughter made her want to write books and share them with everyone. When she’s not looking for a word that rhymes with “love,” she can be found spending time with her daughter, learning a new recipe, and taking way too many pictures of her daughter and dog. She also hopes that her books will make everyone who reads them happy and give them memories they will never forget.