Non FictionReviews

Sneaky Showbiz by Simo Ben

Sneaky Showbiz is a fascinating and riveting exposé that delves into the dark and often unknown world of Moroccan showbiz. The book takes readers on a journey through the secret and sometimes sinister world of showbiz, where power, money, and sex reign supreme.

Author Simo Ben does an excellent job of highlighting the nefarious activities that occur behind the scenes, including the use of black magic to gain an edge over competitors. The book’s descriptions of models casting sickness spells, actors being sabotaged with itching spells, and fake influencers manipulating their partners using hyena brains are both shocking and intriguing.

The book also reveals the ruthless and cutthroat nature of the industry, with players vying for power and success at any cost. The introduction of R’kia, the queen of the sneaky showbiz world, adds an air of mystery and intrigue to the narrative, leaving readers wondering what she will do next.

The writing style is engaging and immersive, drawing the reader into the world of Moroccan showbiz and holding their attention throughout. The book also features stunning imagery and vivid descriptions that bring the world of sneaky showbiz to life.

Overall, Sneaky Showbiz is a captivating read that provides a unique and eye-opening perspective on the entertainment industry. Whether you are interested in Moroccan culture, showbiz, or just enjoy a good exposé, this book is sure to captivate and intrigue.

Sneaky Showbiz is available on Amazon and in KU.

You’ve heard the rumors. You’ve seen the headlines. But now it’s time to reveal the salacious, sinfully intoxicating world of Sneaky Showbiz.

• Up-and-coming models sabotaging current industry darlings by casting sickness spells on them.
• Actors falling victim to itching spells cast to make them miss auditions.
• Fake influencers using hyena brains to manipulate their partners.
• And so many more devious acts!

The torrid love affair between Moroccan showbiz and sorcery has a long and storied history. With this power, villains run amok within their tight-knit circles. From masters of manipulation and backstabbing competitors to ruthless rivals, cruelties that would put the world’s most hardened criminals to shame thrive. The underbelly of this oft-thought rich and enviable world is not what it seems.

This dark hidden world within Moroccan society even has a queen – R’kia, a mysterious woman notorious for her ability to bring her deepest and most sadistic desires to fruition. No one is safe from her wrath, and no one unfortunate enough to stand in her path is left unscathed.

Sneaky Showbiz exposes the dark side of fame where money, sex, and power rule. This world was largely unknown to the public . . . until now! Discover the once clandestine escapades that make up this secret world as you penetrate the well-crafted façade and see for yourself what lies beneath.

This titillating exposé sheds light on the entertainment world’s dirty little secrets. Author Simo Ben discovered firsthand what Moroccan showbiz keeps hidden, who the key players are, and how they really “earned” their fame and fortune. This tell-all book unveils the riveting true story of how black magic has infiltrated every aspect of Moroccan society and turned the world of showbiz on its head.

Peek behind the curtain and discover the secrets of the intricately crafted façade that is Sneaky Showbiz!

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