Sir Pigglesworth’s Adventures in Vancouver: The Amazing Flying Pig Heads to Canada!
by JoAnn Wagner
The adventures of Sir Wigglesworth are not over! Here in book two, we see him take a trip to Canada!
1st Place Winner in the Royal Dragonfly Book Awards and Texas Assoc. of Authors Awards in Children’s Chapter Books category!
When we last saw our favorite rambunctious royal piglet in Sir Pigglesworth’s First Adventure, he snuck out on his grandmother and tried to follow his parents on vacation to Canada, but ended up accidentally taking a flight to Dallas, Texas, where he luckily met up with his new best friends JoAnn and Bill.
In this hilarious adventure, Sir Pigglesworth and JoAnn travel to the beautiful and exciting city of Vancouver, British Columbia to try to find the little pig’s parents. Armed with only a couple of clues about where Mr. and Mrs. Pig might be heading, Sir Pigglesworth and JoAnn visit Vancouver’s top tourist attractions, like seeing sharks and whales at the breathtaking Vancouver Aquarium and taking a horse and carriage ride at Stanley Park to see the Native American totem poles… they even visit the Greater Vancouver Zoo, where Sir Pigglesworth heroically saves a little girl’s doll from a naughty monkey and makes more new friends!
Sir Pigglesworth’s Adventures in Vancouver may be the funniest book in the 8-book Sir Pigglesworth Adventure Series. Kids will love the vibrant illustrations of Sir Pigglesworth falling on his face on the carriage and getting stuck in the mud (he does it all with a smile on his face, of course!). And then, there’s the funny story he tells about getting sick on the plane with his cousin!
The Sir Pigglesworth Adventure Series has quickly become a favorite of teachers, parents, and grandparents for teaching kids about geography and cultures, and kids can’t get enough of the funny pig and his enthusiastic antics. Next stop … The Big Apple, in Sir Pigglesworth’s Adventures in New York City!
Available on Amazon in paperback and Kindle editions.